Employees & Contractors
Hiring Student & Casual Workers
The college defines a casual employee as an individual who is paid by Smith and:
- works fewer than 64 hours per month, or
- works more than 64 hours per month, up to three months, or
- works part-time more than three months ongoing (fewer than 17.5 hours per week) or full-time up to five months
Hiring New Casual Employees
Do you have the approval of senior staff? Do you have the budget?
- If yes - proceed to steps below
- If no - work with the senior staff in your area for approval before moving forward
Do you have a candidate ready to be hired? If so, proceed to the next step by emailing hr@51jiyangshi.com with the following information when you are ready for hire:
- Name of worker
- Personal email address
- Job title
- Brief Description of the job
- Hourly rate
- Name of Supervisor
- Fund/Organization/Account to paid from
For more insights into the casual hire process, please visit the Human Resources page on hiring casual workers
Summer Returning Smith Students
All summer positions for returning Smith students will be advertised and hired through Workday.
Please note that employing a returning Smith student during the summer is a separate process from that of hiring a student during the academic year. Thus, all student employees must be hired into new summer positions, even those who are continuing work from the academic year. Please reach out to Student Employment at studemp@51jiyangshi.com with questions.